

Principles of Publishing Ethics

  1. The journal has implemented and abides by the standards and ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  2. The journal has a policy (see below) against malpractices such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghostwriting, and guest authorship, and it counteracts such misconduct.
  3. The Publisher publishes articles on the basis of lincences granted by the Authors according to Polish Copyright Law (see the act in Polish).
  4. Authors are obliged to disclose the sources of funding of the research on which the submitted article is based, as well as contributions made by scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).
  5. Articles are evaluated purely on the basis of professional and linguistic competence. Race, sex, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or lack thereof, national origin, citizenship status and political beliefs of the Authors play no part in the process of manuscript evaluation.
  6. All submissions are processed confidentially by the Editorial Team. In particular, no information related to the submitted papers is revealed to any person who is not taking part in the editorial process. Individuals authorized to access such information are: the Authors, the Reviewers, the relevant Editors and the Publisher.
  7. The journal allows debate post publication through letters to the editor, as well as publishing the result of such a debate on the website.
  8. In special, justified situations, the journal makes it possible to correct, revise or retract articles after publication.
  9. In the case of publishing issues that are post-conference volumes or thematic volumes with external editors, for which the publisher will receive external funding (the so-called sponsored volume), the review procedure and publishing rules remain unchanged. In these cases, the selection of reviewers may be entrusted to the editors of the volume, who then present the reviewers for approval by the editorial team.

Malpractice Policy

  1. By submitting an article for publication, the Author claims it to be his or her own original work, unpublished before either as a whole or in significant parts, and not under consideration for publication in any other journal. The Author is asked to submit such a declaration.
  2. All persons named as authors or co-authors should have made a significant contribution to the paper. So-called “guest authorship” is not accepted. To be considered the paper’s Author, a person needs to fulfil all three criteria listed below:
    • they have significantly contributed to the research project or the concept on which the project is based, or have gathered or analysed or interpreted data obtained in the research;
    • they prepared the first draft of the manuscript or played a significant part in its preparation, or provided critical examination of its intellectual content; and
    • they have approved the final version of the article submitted for publication.
  3. All persons who have contributed to the final version of the paper should be listed as co-authors (the paper is not a product of “ghost-writing”).
  4. The submitting Author takes responsibility for the veracity of their statements regarding the absence of ghost-writers and guest authors.
  5. Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism using the available tools.
  6. In case of justified suspicions of scientific misconduct (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unjustified duplication of articles or their fragments, false authorship attribution, non-attribution of due authorship, lack of transparency regarding a conflict of interest, falsification or fabrication of data), the Editorial Team will suspend publication or retract the already published article.
  7. All identified cases of scientific misconduct will be publicly exposed (this includes notification of the institution employing the author, relevant authorities and professional associations).

Complaints and Appeals

  1. All complaints and appeals will be thoroughly investigated by the editorial team.
  2. If the complaints are justified, the editorial team takes optimal corrective action.
  3. If it results from the law or ethics in force in Poland, the competent authorities will be informed about the violations.
  4. The president of the Programme Committee is informed about complaints and appeals.
  5. Complaints about the actions of the editorial team are forwarded to the president of the Programme Committee and to the Publisher.

Conflicts of interest

No conflicts of interest have been identified at this time.