For Authors


We publish original research from all areas of philosophy, including: history of philosophy, logic, ethics, aesthetics, ontology/metaphysics, epistemology, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of dialogue, and others.

If an issue with a narrower thematic scope is in preparation, we announce it in a call for papers, which is published on our website and on social media.

How to submit

If you would like to publish your research in Edukacja Filozoficzna:

  1. Write an article (in English or in Polish) which matches the thematic scope described above, and format it using the guidelines presented below.
  2. Send your paper in DOC or DOCX format to:
  3. Attach as a separate file information about the author: name, title, affiliation (university/institution), ORCID number, postal address, e-mail address, and, optionally, your main interests and achievements. If needed, this file should also contain disclaimers or acknowledgements of people or grants/projects.
  4. Fill in, sign and attach the Author Declaration [download DOCX].

Key guidelines

Scholarly articles submitted to Edukacja Filozoficzna should:

  • present and clearly argue an original thesis or solution,
  • refer to relevant publications concerning the problem discussed in the paper,
  • include:
    • an abstract in English (500–2,000 characters, preferably 800–1,200),
    • 5–8 key words,
    • a bibliography,
  • be between 20,000 and 50,000 characters long,
  • be free from any information which could identify the paper’s Author to guarantee double-blind peer review (make sure that the Author’s name is not included in the file’s metadata),
  • meet the conditions concerning: summaries (abstracts), figures, and referencing presented below.

You can use our template [download DOCX] to make sure the article has all the relevant sections.

All submitted contributions (scholarly articles, book reviews, reports, and so on) should be:

  • informative,
  • well written,
  • of high quality.


Before submission make sure that:

  • your manuscript meets all the conditions mentioned here,
  • you have read our principles of publication ethics (see here) and that your submission adheres to these standards,
  • your text meets the criteria enumerated in our Review Form [download DOCX].

Browse through our issues to see examples of articles published in our journal in the past, e.g. in: Edukacja Filozoficzna 70/2020

Summary (Abstract)

Each submitted scholarly article should have a summary (abstract) in English and in Polish (in case of non-Polish Authors it will be translated into Polish by the Editors).

Your summary should outline the main problem and conclusions presented in the article.

The abstract should be between 500 and 2,000 characters long. However, we encourage Authors to provide summaries of 800–1,200 characters.


If you plan to include figures in your article, you are responsible for taking care of their quality. Please note that we publish our issues in black and white.

Figures should be both embedded in the manuscript and sent as separate files.

For drawings in bitmap format, the minimal width is 1200 px, and the minimal height is 800 px. However, we encourage Authors to supply figures as vector graphics, the preferred formats being “PDF”, “EPS” and “AI”.

Each figure should have a caption describing what it presents and identifying the source of the illustration (in the case of submitting the Author’s own work, the caption should be: “Source: own work”).



In articles in English, insert the footnote reference after the full stop or semicolon or comma. In footnotes, use the following pattern for the first reference:

  • Book: S. Neale, Descriptions, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1990, p. 55.
  • Book: I. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, transl. P. Guyer, A.W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998, p. 101.
  • Journal article: G. Nunberg, Indexicality and Deixis, „Linguistics and Philosophy” 1993, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 22.
  • Book chapter: M. Devitt, The Case for Referential Descriptions, in: Descriptions and Beyond, eds. M. Reimer, A. Bezuidenhout, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, p. 243.
  • Source text in a book: J.M. Bocheński, The Cracow Circle, in: The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School, ed. K. Szaniawski, Springer, Dordrecht 1988, p. 10.

For further references:

  • S. Neale, Descriptions, op. cit., p. 21.
  • M. Devitt, The Case for Referential…, op. cit., p. 244.


In bibliography, use the following pattern:

  • Book: Neale S., Descriptions, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1990.
  • Book: Kant I., Critique of Pure Reason, transl. P. Guyer, A.W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
  • Journal article: Nunberg G., Indexicality and Deixis, „Linguistics and Philosophy” 1993, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1–43,
  • Book chapter: Devitt M., The Case for Referential Descriptions, in: Descriptions and Beyond, eds. M. Reimer, A. Bezuidenhout, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, pp. 234–260.
  • Source text in a book: Bocheński J.M., The Cracow Circle, in: The Vienna Circle and the Lvov-Warsaw School, ed. K. Szaniawski, Springer, Dordrecht 1988, pp. 9–18,

Important notes

  • Remember to include DOIs in your bibliography where applicable.
  • If you refer to sources published in a non-Roman script, please provide a transliteration in the bibliography (using the ISO 9 system).


We do not charge the Authors any fees for publishing, and we do not pay for texts either.

Authors do not transfer the copyright of their papers to the Publisher, but only grant the Publisher a non-exclusive licence.

We provide professional copy-editing and typesetting for all Authors.

All contributions are published both in print (one free copy for every Author) and online (open access). We encourage Authors to upload PDF copies of their papers published in Edukacja Filozoficzna to other websites and repositories to make the articles more accessible to the public.