About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Edukacja Filozoficzna is a high-quality open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, published by the University of Warsaw.

We publish original research from all areas of philosophy. We want to provide our Readers with a broad view of the discipline’s various branches, including: history of philosophy, logic, ethics, aesthetics, ontology/metaphysics, epistemology, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of culture, philosophy of religion, philosophy of dialogue, and others.

Our aim is to develop a community in which we educate and inspire each other on a professional level.

First of all, we publish peer-reviewed scholarly articles. However, in each issue we also include other content, like: translations of philosophical texts, book reviews, transcriptions of important lectures, reports concerning important events, or other relevant materials.

We publish in Polish and in English, two issues per year. Papers in English are welcome in every issue. Some issues are published in English only (in such cases we inform about this fact in the call for papers, published on our website and on social media).

Occasionally we prepare issues with a narrower thematic scope (e.g., 68/2019 and 70/2020), which is always described in detail in the given issue’s call for papers.